Why are we featuring our Land Title Office in this issue of The Scrivener? The purchase of our homes and property is the most significant investment and financial transaction of our lives.

It is imperative that we have protection for our investment. We also want ease in the following areas:

  •  the transfer of the title of the property from the seller to the purchaser;
  •  the transfer of the interest in the property from the owner to the lender.

Our feature articles about the Land Title system of our province will take you into the very operation of the registration process of our land and property. You will also get a look at some of the personalities involved in the LTO, past and present. F

or the majority of BC Notaries around the province, conveying property is the most significant part of their practice. Recorded history in BC indicates the first Notaries appointed by the Governor of the colony were involved in providing a guarantee to the new colonists that their land purchases were indeed valid. There were no banks at that time; some of BC’s first recorded transactions were done by Notaries drawing loan and mortgage agreements for lenders.

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